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Journal of Aquaculture Engineering and Fisheries Research

Short Communication - (2023) Volume 9, Issue 9

A Manufactured Intelligence aided angle mortality discovery and caution framework for recycling aquaculture
Ping Yang*
Department of Geographical Sciences, Fujian Normal University, China
*Correspondence: Ping Yang, Department of Geographical Sciences, Fujian Normal University, China, Email:

Received: Aug 30, 2023, Manuscript No. JAEFR-23-117331; Editor assigned: Sep 01, 2023, Pre QC No. JAEFR-23-117331 (PQ); Reviewed: Sep 15, 2023, QC No. JAEFR-23-117331; Revised: Sep 20, 2023, Manuscript No. JAEFR-23-117331 (R); Published: Sep 27, 2023, DOI: 10.3153/JAEFR.9.9.082

Citation: Yang P. A Manufactured Intelligence aided angle mortality discovery and caution framework for recycling aquaculture. J Aquacult Eng Fish Res. 2023; 9(9)


Disease outbreaks can devastate aquaculture operations and have negative environmental consequences. Disease management strategies, including vaccinations and selective breeding, help minimize these risks. Escapes of farmed fish into the wild can lead to genetic interactions with wild populations. Robust containment measures are critical to avoid this issue. Depending on the aquaculture system's location, it can have various impacts on the surrounding ecosystem, including habitat alteration and nutrient release. Careful site selection and management are necessary to minimize these effects. Innovations in aquaculture are shaping the industry's future, promoting sustainability and efficiency. These advancements are making aquaculture more environmentally friendly, economically viable, and capable of meeting the increasing global demand for seafood. Precision aquaculture employs technology like sensors and data analytics to monitor and optimize key parameters, such as water quality, feeding, and fish behaviour. This approach enhances productivity and resource use efficiency. Reducing the reliance on wild-caught fish for aquaculture feed is crucial. The development of alternative protein sources like algae, insects, and single-cell proteins can help address this challenge. RAS technology is becoming more sophisticated, offering greater control over water quality and disease prevention. It enables farmers to rear fish in land-based facilities, reducing the environmental impact [1,2]. Selective breeding programs are creating fish that are more resistant to disease, grow faster, and are better suited to aquaculture conditions.


This results in improved yields and reduced environmental impact. Offshore aquaculture has gained attention for its potential to reduce the environmental impact of aquaculture. Innovations in cage design, anchoring systems, and monitoring technology make this method more feasible and sustainable. Advances in biotechnology and genetic engineering hold promise for improving the efficiency of aquaculture, reducing the need for antibiotics, and enhancing the nutritional quality of farmed fish. Effective regulations and standards are essential to ensure responsible aquaculture practices and protect the environment. Governments and international organizations must collaborate to establish and enforce these frameworks. Consumer awareness and demand for sustainably produced seafood are powerful drivers of change. As more consumers seek eco-friendly and ethical products, the aquaculture industry will be incentivized to adopt sustainable practices. Continued research and innovation are crucial for addressing challenges such as alternative feeds, disease management, and genetic improvements. Public and private sectors should invest in R and D to drive the industry forward. Collaboration and knowledge sharing among industry stakeholders, researchers, and governments can help disseminate best practices and technologies. Disease outbreaks can occur in densely stocked aquaculture systems [3-5]. The use of antibiotics can lead to antibiotic resistance and environmental contamination.


Advanced technologies, selective breeding, and improved management practices are being implemented to reduce disease risks. Aquaculture systems have evolved from a small-scale, traditional practice to a global industry that plays a critical role in providing sustainable seafood to a growing population. By embracing responsible and innovative approaches, aquaculture has the potential to alleviate the pressures on wild fisheries, reduce the environmental impact of food production, and contribute to food security. As we move forward, the focus must remain on sustainability, responsible management, and the development of innovative technologies that ensure the continued success of aquaculture in nurturing the future of seafood.



Conflict Of Interest

The author declares there is no conflict of interest in publishing this article.


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